Run to the Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide to Running podcast

Overcoming Marathon Bonking: A Peek Inside a Coaching Call

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Stephen is a masters runner just like you, but like a lot of runners, has really struggled with bonking during the marathon, despite putting in what seems to be great training.

Sound familiar? 

When it comes to marathon training and hitting the wall it’s difficult to piece together exactly what the issue is. 

Am I under or over training? Is my nutrition, salt or electrolyte intake the cause? How do I start to figure out where I’m going wrong?

Well, you’re not alone. In today’s podcast, we’re going to take you inside one of our coaching calls with Stephen Stone, a masters runner just like you, who struggled with the same issues. 

We’re going to dissect everything so you can see exactly how we look for the cause of this common problem.

By the end of this episode, you’ll have an exact plan for what you can look for in your training. 

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This week’s show brought to you by:

MAS Iron

Outside of training deficiencies, low iron is one of the most common reasons for poor results during workouts and races. 

Recent research indicates that almost 56% of male runners and 86% of female runners suffer from an iron deficiency that severely hampers performance.

The problem with eating iron-rich foods or supplementing with traditional iron supplements is that iron is notoriously difficult for the body to absorb and utilize.

In fact, only about 25% of dietary iron found in animal sources is absorbed while 17% or less of the iron from plant sources is absorbed.

But MAS Iron has found a way to combat these absorption issues to ensure you can get the iron you need for health and performance.

By combining the most efficiently absorbed form of elemental iron with clinically proven ingredients to aid in absorption, MAS Iron performs like no other iron product on the market.

In fact, clinical research has shown the combination of ingredients in MAS Iron can quadruple absorption and increase bioavailability by 30%, all while reducing GI issues by 50%.

Check out the research and the results for yourself at Runnersconnect fans will automatically save 20% on any purchase.

Flagstaff Retreat

Spots are starting to fill up fast for our 2024 summer running retreat in Flagstaff, AZ.

Our retreats are the perfect combination of spectacular running, hands-on coaching, informative and fun training lessons, and unforgettable memories with runners just like you! 

Whether you’re looking for the chance to run along the grand canyon, experience some of the most picturesque trails in the US, or learn directly from our team of coaches and some of the foremost experts in strength, nutrition and biomechanics, our Flagstaff retreat is for you.

Now, keep in mind these retreats ARE NOT for elite runners. They are for runners like you who love running and just want to improve.

Most of our attendees are between 40 to 70 years young and range in ability from Boston Qualifiers to those who are just getting started.

To see all the accommodations, prices, photos, schedule and all other details, head to

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