Ripstop on the Record podcast

10 Sewing Tips You NEED to Know

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Sewing is a skill that can take thousands of hours to hone. We can't replace time on the machine but we can give you helpful tips that should cut out a few hours and a few costly errors from your future projects. Listen to this episode to hear 10 tips to level up your sewing and design skills.

Skills that we discuss:
1. How to sew circles that don't pucker
2. Tips on binding
3. Where to sew on your zipper tape
4. How to get good at hemming
5. How to get a crisp corner
6. Sewing multiple layers
7. Working with stretchy fabrics
8. Working with slippery fabrics
9. Dialing in your stitch tension
10. Add a lining to your project

Sewing Start-Up Checklist

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