Ray Edwards Show podcast

How to Have More Money, Margin, and Meaning in Your Life

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Who are you, and why are you here?

That’s the question my podcast guest, Graham Cochrane, is helping us answer today.

“Most of us,” Says Graham, “are living a life crafted by other people: family, social media, societal expectations, etc. We’ve conformed to the patterns of everyone around us without even meaning to.”

Graham shows how to truly create YOUR life of freedom, joy, and meaning—on your terms, not someone else’s.

During this conversation, he walks us through his simple five-part framework, and you will discover how to create the life you’ve always wanted.

Key Insights

  • Wake up from the world’s sleepy autopilot way of living
  • Leave behind a legacy that others will want to emulate
  • Stick to a set of values as you navigate the big decisions in life
  • Determine what your ideal life looks like (in your work, business, relationships, finances, health)--and chart a path to get there
  • Dismantle harmful mental scripts and limiting beliefs that have kept you stuck (potentially for years)
  • Figure out what your dreams really are (or perhaps dream for the first time)

Video and Transcript


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