Ray Edwards Show podcast

5 Keys To Your Business Miracle

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Some businesses seem to be stuck on the Struggle Bus. They putter along as far as they can go until...Poof. The ride is over. The business is no more. 

​Why is this? How can it be so easy for some and seemingly impossible for others?

​I believe there are 5 things you must recognize and control if you want to ditch the struggle and enjoy success - And that's what I'm sharing with you on this week's episode.

5 Momentum Makers That Move Mountains

  • ​Mindset - This is not some new-aged hooey. Your mindset determines who you are, and who you are capable of becoming. You must nurture it if you want to be successful (and have the ability to enjoy that success)
  • ​Mastery of a High Value Skill - Commit to the path of Mastery - Be hard to replace!
  • Mechanism - What is the "tool set" you use to get the work done.
  • Marketing - Marketing is NOT selling or promotion. Marketing is the act of intentionally influencing the beliefs of your niche through content that you create, that aligns with your offers
  • Money - The result of amplifying the problem you solve for your people, and the pain you relieve.

Video and Transcript



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