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“Early philosophies as sources of personal guidance and how do we learn to live well? The university has undergone such an enormous shift. In my day, we were engaged with history, literature, philosophy, poetry, and art. And we could because it was a much more open-ended, reflective, sort of existential what am I here for and what am I doing? kind of thing than students today who are very concerned – I have to have this skill, otherwise, I won't be able to get a job.

And what is missing is a sense of how do we think maturely about these kinds of questions that worry us. Questions of what does it mean to be happy? And what is a satisfying life? And how am I going to deal with personal adversity?”

Harold P. Sjursen is an educator and administrator having served on the faculty of both a liberal arts college and school of engineering. His background is in the history of philosophy, but since childhood has sustained an interest in science and technology. His current research interests focus on the philosophy of technology, global philosophy, and technological ethics. His engineering education projects address issues related to the internationalization of higher education, the integration of the liberal arts and engineering and ethics beyond the codes for engineers.


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