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Ever feel like every request turns into a battle with your kids? You ask them to put their shoes on, help with chores, or even just sit down for dinner, and instead of cooperation, you get resistance or silence. It’s frustrating, right? But here’s the big question: What if their refusal has less to do with defiance and more about how they FEEL about the relationship?

Today, I tackle why our kids may not cooperate and how it relates to our connection. I explore how common parenting techniques, like punishments and rewards, often backfire, creating distance instead of understanding. If we shift our approach, it can transform daily interactions with our kids, bringing more peace and cooperation into our homes without resorting to punitive measures.

In This Episode:

  • Why do kids refuse to listen or cooperate
  • Defiance or disconnection, what’s really happening?
  • The negative effects of punishments and rewards
  • How to use empathy and play to encourage cooperation
  • Adjusting expectations for more harmony at home

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