News For Kids podcast

Taitung's Mystery Stone

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K*News for Kids 文字檔 (國小) ________________________________ People lived in Taiwan thousands of years ago. We don't know a lot about them. Sometimes we find their things. These things can help us learn more. But sometimes the things are a mystery. 幾千年前,就有人類在台灣生活,我們偶而也會找到一些那些人的遺跡。不過有時候找到的東西是個謎。 A tall, thin stone stands in Taitung. It's very, very old. The top is a half-moon shape. 在台東,有一根又高又細的石柱,非常古老,頂端是半月形的。 What was the stone for? Maybe it was for a building. Maybe it was for an important person. Nobody knows. This stone is a mystery. 石柱有什麼用處呢?也許是建築的一部份,或是某人的紀念碑。沒有人知道。 The stone is in Peinan Site Park. It's near a train station. About forty years ago, Taitung wanted to make the station bigger. 這根石柱位於卑南遺址公園,靠近火車站。 40 年前,台東政府想把車站改得更大。 Workers started to dig. They found some old things! Scientists came. The scientists found more than 2,000 very old and important things! 工人們開挖時,發現一些很古老的東西! 科學家來了,找到 2000多個古代的重要物品! These things were used by people thousands of years ago. Now they are Taiwan's treasures! Peinan Site Park was made to protect them. 幾千年前的人類使用過這些物品,現在它們是台灣的寶藏,卑南遺址公園的建立就是為了保護它們。 The museum there helps us learn about these treasures and the people who used them. But the museum doesn't know what the stone was for. 這一座博物館幫助我們了解古代的人,但是專家還是不懂石柱的意義。 What do YOU think the stone was for? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vocabulary 卑南遺址公園很受考古人員的重視。 1. dig 挖掘。 Isn't it cool? 那不是很酷嗎? To dig up something that's from hundreds of years ago? 挖出幾百年前的東西? It is cool.是很酷。 2. find 找到。 But I would hope to find something special.不過我會希望找到一些特別的。 Like gold coins. 好比說金幣。 3. ago 之前。 I once watched a movie. 我看過一部電影。 They dug up a boat! From over one thousand years ago. 他們挖到一艘船! 來自一千多年前的船! 4. stone 石頭。 Wow, that's really something! 哇,那真棒! Right? 是不是? I want to find stone buildings, just like Pompeii. 我想要找到石頭建築,像龐貝城那種。 來一起複習今天的單字。 dig挖掘 find找到 ago之前 stone石頭 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quiz 1. What is near the old stone? a. A forest b. A train station c. A bus stop 2. When were many very old things found? a. Last week b. Forty years ago c. Two thousand years ago 3. Why was Peinan Site Park made? a. To protect old treasures b. To make a train station bigger c. To be a playground Answers 1. b 2. b 3. a -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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