News For Kids podcast

Saying Goodbye With Fantasy Coffins

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Saying Goodbye With Fantasy Coffins Ghost Month is done. 農曆鬼月已經結束囉。 When a person's life is done, they might be put in a coffin. Then their family and friends say goodbye to them. 人的生命結束的時候,他可能會被放進棺材裏面。他的親友會再跟他道別。 Most coffins are long boxes.* *Most are made of wood. But sometimes the person has a very different coffin! 多數棺材是長長的木製箱子。不過有時候還是有特殊的棺材。 In Africa, Ghana makes fantasy coffins. They can look like something the person loved: a superhero lunch box, a golden lion*, *or a cool sports car! Or they can be about the person's job: a red pen for a teacher or bread for a baker! 西非國家迦納很會製作一些特殊的、是這個人會喜歡的棺材。像是超級英雄的便當盒、金色的獅子、很酷的跑車,或是跟職業有關,比如說老師用的紅筆、麵包師傅的麵包。 A UK company makes fantasy coffins too.Some look like skateboards or ballet shoes!Some look like trains, guitars, or cellphones! 英國有一家公司也會做特殊的棺材。有的像滑板、芭蕾舞鞋、火車、吉他甚至手機。 One man got an airplane coffin… before he needed it. He liked it very much. He wanted his friends to see it. So he had a big party! Ten years later, when his life was done, everyone remembered that happy party. 有個男子在他需要之前就拿到飛機棺材。他非常喜歡,也希望他的朋友都可以看到,所以舉辦了一場盛大的派對。十年後,他離開了,大家都還記得那個開心的派對。 Fantasy coffins make family and friends smile. People remember happy times with the person. For some, they're a great way to say goodbye. Vocabulary 特殊形狀的棺木,可以彰顯往生者最大的特色。 look like 看起來像。 I think it’s a great idea! 我覺得這真的是很棒的主意! What? 什麼呢? Coffins that look like animals, trains or sports cars. 模仿動物,火車或是跑車的棺木。 like 喜歡。 Sports cars, hmmm, that sounds a lot of fun! 跑車,聽起來真好玩! Well, I like the idea too.我也喜歡這個主意。 Imagine having an elephant coffin! 想想看,一個大象棺木! remember 記得。 Wouldn’t it be great? 可不是很棒嗎? It’s a nice way to remember the people you love. 用這好方式來紀念你所愛的人。 4. say goodbye 道別。 And it can make saying goodbye less painful. 也可以讓道別比較不痛苦。Yeah, it will make family and friends feel better. 對,會讓親友感覺好一些。 來一起讀單字。 look like看起來像 like喜歡 remember記得 say goodbye道別 Quiz 1. What are most coffins made of? a. Wood b. Bread c. Gold 2. What kind of coffins are there in Ghana? a. Fancy Coffins b. Fantasy Coffins c. Fun Coffins 3. Where is the company that makes fantasy coffins? a. Ukraine b. UK c. Uganda Answers  1. a 2. b 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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