News For Kids podcast

Green Electricity in Taitung

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Green Electricity in Taitung Deep in the earth, it's very, very hot. In Taiwan, under Taitung, it's very, very, very hot! The water there is hot too. It's so hot that it makes lots of steam! 台東地底下的溫度非常高,地下水也很燙,會產生很多的蒸氣。 The hot water and steam come out of the earth. The hot water makes hot springs. Many people go to Taitung's hot springs. They sit and relax … ahh! Clouds of steam go up and away. 熱水跟蒸氣從地底下冒出來就變成溫泉。很多人會到台東泡溫泉放鬆。 Some companies had a big idea. They helped the Bunun people with a hot spring park. The companies will also use the steam in the earth. They will make green electricity. Green electricity means it's good for the earth! 有一些公司想到不錯的主意,他們幫布農族建了溫泉園區。這些公司也利用地熱發展綠能,對環境友善。 First, they made a deep hole. They are testing it now. The steam will try to get out. You can see this with a kettle at home. 首先他們鑽了一個很深的洞,試著讓蒸汽冒出來,就像是在燒開水。 In Taitung, when the steam gets out, it will spin a big wheel. The spinning wheel will make electricity. It can make electricity for 2,500 houses! 冒出來的蒸氣會讓渦輪轉動產生電能,可以讓 2500個家庭使用。 The heat deep in the earth can make lots of good things happen in Taiwan! Go, steam, go! ________________________________ Vocabulary 地熱可以發電,也會產生溫泉。 1. relax 放鬆。 Ah, it's so nice to soak in the hot spring! 泡溫泉真好! Yeah, what a way to relax! 對啊,讓人放鬆的好辦法! 2. deep 很深的。 Does all this water come from deep underground? 這些熱水都從地底深處來的嗎? I believe so.我相信是。 You can smell the sulfur. 你可以聞到硫磺味。 3. house 房屋。 I hope to live in a house with a hot spring. 我希望住在有溫泉的房子裡。That would be wonderful! 那太好了! Can I go and visit? 我可以去拜訪嗎? 4. at home 在家。 I may not be at home. 我可能會不在家。 Why not? 為什麼呢? Because it'll be too hot there. 因為那裡太熱了。 你喜歡泡湯嗎?來一起讀單字。 relax放鬆 deep很深的 house房屋 at home在家 ________________________________ Quiz 1. Where will the companies make electricity? a. Taichung b. Taitung c. Taipei 2. Where does the water from the hot spring come from? a. The moon b. The ocean c. The earth 3. What will the companies use to make electricity? a. Green water b. Steam c. Clouds Answers: 1. b 2. c 3. b -- Hosting provided by SoundOn

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