Movie Night Extravaganza podcast

Episode 252: Brazil

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Forrest, Conan Neutron, Kristina Oakes, and Kt Baldassaro start off dystopian december with Terry Gilliam's 1985 Brazil

Starring a truly impressive cast, Jonathan Pryce, Robert De Niro, Michael Palin, Kim Greist, Katherine Helmond, Bob Hoskins, and Ian Holm.

Terry Gilliam paints a bleak picture of a society where every day citizens are completely complacent and distracted by Hyper-Consumerist spectacle and an endless multi-layered bureaucracy holds totalitarian control.

Inspired by the idea of George Orwell's 1984, Former Monty Python artist turned auteur Terry Gilliam shows a state apparatus both absurdist and terrifying... and the story of one man who hasn't completely lost his humanity. #brazil #terrygilliam #montypython #robertdeniro #dystopian #dystopianfuture #december #moviepodcast #filmpodcast #movielovers #ianholm #britishfilm #criterioncollection #criterion

Watch KT Baldassaro & Jared Skolnick's Girl in the Basement:

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