Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth podcast

2372: Five Steps to a Faster Metabolism

Reculer de 15 secondes
Avancer de 15 secondes
  • Defining what metabolism means? (1:50)

  • The complexity of our metabolism. (3:18)

  • Survive and thrive. (6:25)

  • Why a fast metabolism is an advantage in a modern society. (9:24)

  • 5 Steps to a Faster Metabolism

  • #1 - Strength train. (13:47)

  • #2 - Eat more protein and food. (19:49)

  • #3 - Get good sleep. (25:19)

  • #4 - Balance hormones. (27:27)

  • #5 - Walk after meals. (32:14)

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