Low Limit Cash Games podcast

S05E19 - 5 New Player Types - Poker Strategy

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Most poker players know about identifying Nits, tags and lags at the poker table. Buy here are 5 more player types you need to identify and exploit for max profits.

1) Street Poker Player
Always looking for reasons to bluff or steal pots. They aren’t fundamentally sound but they have an instinct for poker. When someone is weak etc. Can be tough to play if you let them move you off your game.

2) The Button clicker
Takes a while to identify. But they will bet for no reason. Raise for no reason. All in for no reason.

3) Limp it all great and small
They limp AA and 22. You will run into monsters with them and not know it until you identify them. You can’t over play hands vs them.

4 and 5) Limp fold / Limp call
The first limps any two but folds often to raises. The latter limps often and never folds to raises.

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