living in fierce alignment podcast

E #397: the specific aspects of your Human Design to embody for leadership in business

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In this illuminating podcast episode, Kehla shares a personal journey of what it was like before discovering the enlightening systems of Human Design and Gene Keys. 

She invested heavily in coaching certifications, believing these would strengthen her credibility. However, she soon realized that mere certifications didn't hold the key to credibility or uniqueness - because anyone could get one. The epiphany struck: true authenticity lies not in credentials but in embracing one's unique essence.

Kehla then dives deep into the journey of the Human Design chart, which holds the unique keys for our brilliance & leadership. From dissecting Human Design Profiles (Lines 1-6) to exploring the Unconscious Human Design chart, understanding the significance of Channels, and deciphering the influence of Planets (Sun, Earth, Saturn, and Mercury), this episode offers a rich conversation of insights to empower listeners in their quest for self-awareness & standing out in their industry.

Your next steps - Now until April 23rd is early enrolment into Signature Program by Design where you’ll qualify for a week of extended support, $500 off & an extended payment plan. DM me the word SIGNATURE on Instagram to chat next steps.

You’re also invited to sign up for the upcoming masterclass series: The Simplicity of Specificity where Kehla teaches you how to get SPECIFIC with your ideal client,  niche, content strategy & also Human Design & Gene Keys to stand out in your industry. Sign up here. The series runs from April 24-26th.

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