living in fierce alignment podcast

E #396: leveraging your spheres & lines in the Gene Keys to step into your leadership

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In this episode, we delve into the transformative power of Gene Keys and how they can elevate your personal and professional life from ordinary to extraordinary. Kehla is here to talk to you about how the spheres & line expressions will help you get more specific in terms of your business leadership. We start by exploring the common refrain of "I help you xyz" – a commendable but often unremarkable approach. Instead, we unveil the profound concept of using Gene Keys to reveal your unique essence in what you do.

Through Gene Keys, we transition from simply stating what we do to expressing who we are for others as we guide them through their journey. Using examples like Kehla’s Purpose sphere (15.2), we see how grounding oneself in the physical realm and embracing fluidity can enhance stability & natural flow.

Furthermore, Kehla examines her Attraction sphere (48.6), where we witness the intricate dance between innocence, disappointment, and ecstatic resilience. By understanding the nuances of our line expressions (1-6), we unlock our innate leadership potential and attract meaningful relationships into our lives and businesses.

As we navigate the spheres, lines, shadows, gifts, and siddhis of Gene Keys, we gain clarity on who we are being and what we bring to the table.

Your next steps - Now until April 23rd is early enrolment into Signature Program by Design where you’ll qualify for a week of extended support, $500 off & an extended payment plan. DM me the word SIGNATURE on Instagram to chat next steps.

You’re also invited to sign up for the upcoming masterclass series: The Simplicity of Specificity where Kehla teaches you how to get SPECIFIC with your ideal client,  niche, content strategy & also Human Design & Gene Keys to stand out in your industry. Sign up here. The series runs from April 24-26th.

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