living in fierce alignment podcast

E #382: from imposter to empowered with Business and Mindset Coach Jill Parekh

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Today’s interview is with Business and Mindset Coach Jill Parekh who serves coaches & online service providers, helping them overcome imposter syndrome and other mindset blocks to make $10K - $20K months in their businesses! She's also the author of a self-help book called You’re Not Special, which you can find on Amazon!

In our chat together we dove into:

  • How Jill who has ADHD went from 0-500K in her coaching business
  • Why we need to diffuse the sense of entitlement we have with growing a business and gaining immediate success
  • Why you need to keep showing up even when you think no one cares
  • What it looks like to build emotional resilience
  • The importance of building your inner belief first before building an audience, income, etc.
  • Why being attached to a timeline in business means you’re detached from your purpose and your why
  • Why entrepreneurship isn’t about hitting goals, it’s about who you’re becoming
  • How to shift imposter syndrome so that you can show up authentically online
  • How imposter syndrome is deeply connected to shame
  • What it means to grow your own confidence and to give yourself permission
  • How Jill navigated driving around Ubers eats when she hit an income low in her business
  • How Jill navigates coaching her clients around shame in business
  • How shame is trying to keep you safe & how to navigate these limitations

THE GIVEAWAY DETAILS (open until March 6th)

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