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There is a case, but Kane and Feels can't seem to find it. As Feels finds alternative ways of thinking, Kane bumps into some old friends. 


Lucy Lan Luo as Alice

Jack Fitzpatrick as Kane

Oliver Morris as Feels

Louis Cole as James De Havilland

Antony D’andrade played the part of Benny

Lauren Clark as Greta

Tess Cocchio as Melissa

Ruby Todd as Riley

Gregory Lass as George Acteonsen

Hanna West as Joy Acteonsen

It featured the voice of Viviana Padiglia


Wonderland I was written by Jack Fitzpatrick and Oliver Morris.

Direction by Jude Hodgson Hann

Sound Design by Jude Hodgson Hann and Oliver Morris

Kane and Feels is a Skadi’s Symphony production.


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Content Warnings

Drug use, including bad trips.

Childhood Bullying and Parental Neglect


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