Joy Joya Jewelry Marketing Podcast podcast

284 - Carousels? Reels? What's Up With Instagram For Jewelry?

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Episode #284 - "Carousels? Reels? What's Up With Instagram For Jewelry?"

Welcome to Episode #284. In today's episode, I'm diving into the current best practices for Instagram content. What formats are hitting the mark? What kind of results can you realistically expect from your social media efforts? 

I've recently completed over a dozen social media audits, pouring over the data from various brands, so feel free to ask me anything in the YouTube comments or by DMing me on Instagram @joyjoyamarketing. 

My deep dive has revealed a crucial insight: there's no one-size-fits-all strategy that guarantees success for every brand. Each one has its unique aspects. Understanding your analytics is key to making informed decisions. But is posting on Instagram all there is to it? Stay tuned to discover more.


00:00 Start
1:55 Primary Episode Content
16:50 The Gold Mine


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