
Reculer de 15 secondes
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We will leave this world as naked as we entered it.  No earthly possessions will go with us.  We will leave our money, our possessions, our cars, our family, our pets, our estates, our jobs, and we will have lost nothing and we will have gained everything!

 We will be in the presence of God and reunited with our family members who have gone before us.  Imagine the questions we will finally get answered!  Imagine what it will be like to meet Jesus in a way that we have yet to experience.  Imagine meeting, His disciples, David, Moses, Joseph and Mary.  Not to mention we will leave will leave behind, fear, boredom, worry, anger, frustration, anxiety, stress, insecurity, pride, sadness, grief.  We will experience never ending joy.  We will experience God’s glory in a way that we have never felt it before.  And it will never get boring. 


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