2023 Christmas Message Part 2

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It is Christmas time again! Culturally speaking, it has become a tradition where many take time out of their routine to end the calendar year with a celebration of friends and family. Spiritually speaking, it is a time where Christians commemorate the prophesied birth of their lord and savior, Jesus Christ. 700 years before the birth of Christ, the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah prophesied the details and specifics about Jesus’ birth, which all came true one glorious night in a little town called Bethlehem, located about 6 miles South of Jerusalem. For Christians, the significance of Christ’s birth is ideally expressed in the New Testament of The Holy Bible, in the Gospel (which means the good news) of John chapter 3, verse 16, quoting Jesus himself who said: “For God so loved the world, that he sent His only son. That all those who believe on Him shall never know death, only eternal life.” Christmas is a time of the year to catch up with loved ones and pause to recognize what is truly precious in our lives and appreciate those who we cherish, and to acknowledge those who require our charity. Many express this through giving of gifts to one another, and to those in need. But in keeping with the holiday’s name’s sake: Christ-mas (Christ’s mass - which means: to spend time with God and receive his graces) let us remember Jesus’ teaching not only of His eternal salvation, but that everyone and anyone who is not of our own family or beliefs - is our neighbor, and should be received on the basis of charity, mercy, tolerance, non-judgement, and, forgiveness, not only at Christmas but every day of the year. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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