I AM HealingStrong podcast

73: Embracing the Power of Detoxification & Wholesome Habits for Healing | Christine Holcomb

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Discover the secrets your body holds to natural detoxification as we invite you on a journey through the often overlooked practice of sweating for health. This episode features the inspiring Christine Holcomb, who shares her profound cancer journey, revealing the crucial role detox played in her healing. Together, we'll unlock the wisdom of ancient detox methods like Epsom salt baths and saunas, which are especially beneficial when the cold bites at your routine, making daily sweat sessions a challenge. You'll learn how our bodies are precision-designed for detox through the liver and kidneys, and how you can support these vital processes.

As we navigate the modern landscape, laden with pollutants and synthetic chemicals, it's imperative we take steps to cleanse and protect our bodies. This episode isn't just about avoiding the toxins that surround us—it's about embracing a holistic approach to clean living. From selecting whole foods to being savvy with your choice of cleaning products, we'll provide practical tips for minimizing your exposure to harmful substances. We'll also explore the interplay between emotional wellness and physical health, understanding how our feelings can both hinder and help our bodies' detox pathways.

Rounding out our discussion, we'll delve into daily habits that enhance your body's ability to detoxify. I'll highlight the significance of proper dental care, the underestimated power of lemon water, and the refreshing benefits that hot and cold showers can bring to your routine. We'll also discuss confronting the silent epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease through lifestyle changes, and why a grateful heart can be just as healthy as a detoxified liver. Join our community at HealingStrong, where we champion a mission to empower those on a healing path with support for the body, soul, and spirit.

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