I AM HealingStrong podcast

70: Healing Strong and Healthy Holiday Eating | Kay Blackburn

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Do you often find yourself succumbing to the holiday vice of over-indulgence? Fear not, for this episode promises to guide you through a healthy holiday season. We are joined by Kay Blackburn, a nutrition health coach and HealingStrong group leader, who has herself battled cancer, offering a fresh perspective on maintaining health during the holiday season.

As we dive into the heart of the matter, Kay provides invaluable insights on incorporating plant-based dishes and probiotic-rich foods into our holiday meals. And it's not just about food! Kay emphasizes the importance of a positive mindset and mindful eating, tips that are useful not just for the holidays, but for life in general. We also discuss the challenges of strict diets during the holiday season, offering strategies on adapting your favorite dishes to healthier versions. For those with specific health conditions, Kay shares her journey and strategies of maintaining a balance between indulgence and health.

Our episode isn't just about diet; we also highlight the importance of building a relationship with God and finding moments of stillness amidst the holiday season. We explore the HealingStrong organization, a network that supports individuals facing diseases such as cancer and other chronic illnesses. So, tune in for a heartfelt conversation that combines personal stories, expert advice, and a reminder to prioritize health, even during the holiday season. Let's make this holiday season not just merry, but also healthy!

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