Holistic Healing with Lorrie - for Root Cause Healing of Chronic Illness and Symptoms podcast

Papa Rivers' Holiday Story With Fox and Mole and Pup

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My dad’s holiday story is always a touchstone for me of what the holidays are truly about, but I think we all especially need this story this year because of all that has been happening (wow, what a year!).  

The message Papa Rivers has so eloquently, creatively and sweetly embodied here is one of connecting with our fellow humans (or animals), regardless of our differences.   

I hope the story leaves you and your family’s hearts warm and glowing for this holiday season.   

Heat up some spiced apple cider (or hot tea if you're following the Relief & Transformation Eating Plan 😉) sit down by the fire and get cozy for this holiday treat.

Big love 🧡

PS.  If you prefer to read it, you can do that here: https://www.livingfrominspiration.com/blog/2020/12/23/papa-rivers-holiday-story-with-fox-and-mole-and-pup


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