Hearing The Pulitzers podcast

Episode 48 - 1990: Mel Powell, Duplicates

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In this episode, Dave and Andrew explore a composer who played with Benny Goodman as a jazz pianist, and then embraced Arnold Schoenberg's musical ideas as a member of the academy. What kind of music does that concoction create? Listen to this episode on Duplicates, Powell's winning piece for two pianos and orchestra.

If you'd like more information about Mel Powell, we recommend:

  1. Sally Lamb, “An Analytical Guide to the Works of Mel Powell.” DMA diss., Cornell University, 1988.
  2. Jeffrey Perry, "Constructing a Relevant Past: Mel Powell's Beethoven Analogs" American Music 29, no. 4 (2011): 491–535.

Finally, you might like to see Mel Powell in action with Benny Goodman:

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