Grow Your Holiday Let Business podcast

Maximising Your Instagram Bio and Marketing Strategy with Katie Bessant

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In this episode Jane talks to Katie Bessant on how to maximise your Instagram marketing strategy from getting your bio right to attract the right guests to the types of posts to do to stand out from the crowd.

Here are the main takeaways:

  • Understand how has marketing changed in the holiday let industry over the years.
  • Learn the steps to take to set up a great Instagram profile, looking at your bio, links and highlights.
  • Discover the types of content hosts and property managers should post about to attract their ideal guest.
  • Grab 3 tips on how sell the experience for marketing your property.

Katie is a holiday cottage marketing expert who offers coaching and online training programmes to holiday cottage owners and other businesses in the tourism industry to help them improve their digital presence and online visibility, to generate more bookings.

Growing up in South Devon, she has been involved in her family’s B&B and has worked in the tourism industry for many years.

From waitressing and cleaning holiday lets, to working in the marketing department of the 3rd biggest holiday letting agency in the UK, she's seen every side of the tourism industry and has invaluable experience.

She is also a Superhost herself, with a very successful Airbnb, so she totally understands what it’s like to market and manage a holiday let.

Connect with Katie:


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Resources from the show:

Free Guide: 5 Steps to Repeat Bookings

Connect with Jane here:




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