Grow Your Holiday Let Business podcast

Marketing and Business Growth Event for Hosts by Hosts

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In this episode Jane talks to Sarah Orchard, founder of Get Fully Booked, about her in person event she is holding to support hosts with their marketing and business growth for 2024.

The event will include speakers from across the industry who are all hosts themselves so listen in to get all the details, including:

  • Who exactly the event is for
  • Hear about the experts who will be sharing their knowledge and expertise
  • Find out what you can expect from the day
  • Discover the benefits you can get from coming along

Sharing in the hospitality industry is so powerful and this is a great way to grow your network with hosts in the same industry. Plus, there is a live stream available for those that cannot make it in person.

Sarah Orchard is an award-winning marketing strategist, #1 best-selling author, and holiday business owner, who helps fellow hosts confidently move from being invisible online to visible with maximum direct bookings. Sarah provides marketing support through affordable online training courses, a monthly marketing club membership, and 1:1 marketing strategy and planning sessions.

You can book the event here: Sarah's Website

Find out more about Sarah and connect with her here:

Free Resources from the show:

How to Get Bookings and Expand in a Difficult Market

Find out more about Jane and connect:

Jane Mack Consulting website

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