Grow Your Holiday Let Business podcast

How to Stand Out from the Competition with Niche Marketing

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If you ever wonder about different ways that can help your holiday let / short term rental stand out from the competition, then niche marketing could be a great option for you.

In this episode Jane is talking to Heather Bayer about the art of niche marketing. Here are the main takeaways:

  • Discover the benefits and drawbacks of niche marketing.
  • Learn about 3 niches that anyone can get into.
  • Find out how you can research into a niche and create your niche ideal guest.
  • Takeaway ideas on how you can build your content around your niche and reach your audience.

Recovering property manager, educator and consultant, with 28years industry experience, Heather is the voice behind the Vacation Rental Success podcast & creator of education resources for VR professionals at Vacation Rental Formula Business School. From her experience as an owner of multiple properties in the UK and Canada, and for 20 years as CEO of one of Ontario’s leading property management companies, Heather is committed to developing quality education material for the vacation rental industry. The popular podcast has over 540 episodes of interviews with over a million and a half downloads. Contact Heather at [email protected] and visit for more information.

Heather's Facebook group @cottageguru on Twitter Heather on YouTube


Free resources from the show:

How to Get Bookings and Expand in a Difficult Market

Connect with Jane:

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