Feminine as F*ck podcast

415: The Science *and* Magic of Acupuncture and Herbalism for Fertility, Hormones, and Wellness With Paul Kempisty

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How harmony starts within

Ask and you shall receive! 🪄 Today, Monica is joined by her personal acupuncturist, Paul Kempisty, as they dive into one of her most requested topics ever… all things ACUPUNCTURE (and bonus: how to find a great one in your area because you’re going to be obsessed).

From its ancient roots, modern magic, and how it helps you thrive (not just survive)—they’re talking reflexology, fertility, yin-yang vibes, and the power of Chinese medicine to connect the dots between your body, mind, and environment.


✨ The story and evolution of acupuncture

✨ Why acupuncture can’t just be another to-do on your list

✨ Rational belief vs irrational skepticism

✨ How acupuncture is more than yin and yang

✨ Why we unintentionally normalize feeling like sh*t

✨ Choosing to thrive instead of just survive

✨ Using acupuncture as preventative support

✨ Monica’s controversial opinion on going to the doctor

✨ The difference between acupuncture vs wacky-puncture

✨ How to identify excellent acupuncturists VS mediocre ones

✨ Weaving in herbal medicine for healing

✨ How to find a great acupuncturist near you

✨ Acupuncture's role in boosting fertility


As Mentioned In The Episode — 

⇢ Connect with Paul Kempisty (and use Monica's code MONICA20 to save $$$ on his herbs!):



⇢ Empoweredly Submissive: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/empoweredly-submissive?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=evergreen_general

⇢ Queen Alchemy: https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/queen-alchemy?utm_source=podcast&utm_medium=podcast&utm_campaign=qa-15

⇢ Monica’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicayateshealth  

⇢ Full Podcast Directory: https://monicayateshealth.com/blogs/feminine-as-f-ck-podcast/podcast-directory 


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***This podcast and its content is copyright of Monica Yates Health © and Feminine as F*ck ©. All rights reserved. || https://monicayateshealth.com/pages/ copyright-disclaimer

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