QUEER WOMXN RISING™ with Sophia Spallino | Level Up into an Abundant Life, Healthy LGBTQIA+ Partnership, & Your Own Profitable Personal Brand™ podcast

QUEER WOMXN RISING™ with Sophia Spallino | Level Up into an Abundant Life, Healthy LGBTQIA+ Partnership, & Your Own Profitable Personal Brand™

Sophia Spallino LLC

Queer Womxn and Allies, are you ready to truly “live your best life”? 

No, for real…a life built on authenticity, peace within, and abundance… 

If you are queer and… 

🤍You choose to open your heart to look within and up at God…

🧠You have a mindset set on growth and personal evolution…

❤️You long for deep connections and are intentional with sapphic relationships…

🤑You are willing to do what it takes to make more money doing what you love…

✨You want to live a life of freedom within and joy exploding out…

💪You are SO ready to level up in life, that you’re going to get up and go get what you want…

If that’s you…


Hey there, I’m Sophia Spallino, the host of Queer Womxn Rising™ Podcast, the show for growth-minded sapphics ready to level up in life and love. 

Welcome home.

Work with your favorite lesbian host and coach, Sophia Spallino👉 www.SophiaSpallino.com

96 épisodes