Earthdawn Survival Guide podcast

EDSG Episode 221 - Founding Ranelles of the Western Kingdoms

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* The Western Kingdoms: The Founding Ranelles

* GenCon news! Earthdawn events.

* Learning to work with Josh's brain.

* Total eclipse discussion.

* Quick recap of the founding ranelles.

* Escalanas = Mystic, Fensalor = Physical, Trisrora = Social

* The Escalanas Ranelle

* Long dedication to research into the mystic arts.

* First matriarch and the founding of Sereatha.

* Distant relationship with the Escalanas ranelle in Blood Wood.

* Not thrilled with Blood Wood, but may support efforts to end the Ritual of Thorns.

* Post Scourge activity; expeditions and research into the Wastes.

* Fewest, but most loyal gerryth in the Western Kingdoms.

* Using the Escalanas ranelle in adventures and campaigns.

* Current matriarch.

* The Fensalor Ranelle

* Founding and background

* More self-interested and orthodox.

* Had the most gerryth survive.

* Not as concerned with consortis role.

* Current focus; rebuilding infrastructure of the Gwydenro.

* Making Sereatha new seat of Elvendom not top priority.

* Growing trade relationship with Thera.

* Using the Fensalor in adventures and campaigns.

* Current patriarch.

* The Trisrora Ranelle

* Founding and background.

* Similarities to Throal as a mercantile power.

* Current focus and cultural philosophy.

* Relationship with Iopos.

* Current matriarch.

* Using the Trisrora in adventures in the campaigns.

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