Dr. Chapa’s Clinical Pearls. podcast

Acetaminophen (Paracetamol) in Pregnancy and Autism: Latest Data (April 9, 2024)

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In 2014, a publication out of JAMA Pediatrics raised questions regarding the safety of acetaminophen in pregnancy describing a possible “association” with later neurodevelopmental and cognitive delays in children. What followed was a string of controversial publications (observational) with mounds of conflicting data. This led to a controversial international consensus opinion in 2021 calling for “caution for use” regarding acetaminophen in pregnancy. The ACOG had a strong rebuttal to that statement at that time. But now, as of April 9, 2024, we have new data on acetaminophen/paracetamol use in pregnancy and possible neurodevelopmental affects in children. This new study was published out of JAMA network and followed 2.4 million children with sibling pairs out of Sweden. This is making a lot of news within the last 24 hours and it is hot off the press 🔥🔥🔥. Listen in, and find out more.

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