CITY as LANDSCAPE architecture podcast

The future of landscape architecture in the Age of Climate Change: a debate

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Landscape Institute (LI) Past President Merrick Denton-Thompson OBE looks to the future in a wide-ranging  debate with Past LI Vice President Brodie McAllister. They see many ways in which landscape architects contribute to the adaptation of project designs to mitigate the impact of global warming on climate change. Landscape architects' work can be more functional, more beautiful, higher valued, more exciting - and more fun.  In cities, the discussion includes green technology and post-Covid changes to living and work patterns. In the countryside it includes forestry, agriculture and recreation. Landscape architecture is already one of the world’s fast-growing professions. The new challenges can only raise the demand – if we step up to the plate and take a strategic approach. This podcast is also available on YouTube where you can use the comment system to make points and ask questions.

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