Learn Catalan - The Lazy Linguist Podcast podcast

S2. E5. QUIZ TIME! Review of Lessons 1-4 - Intermediate Catalan

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Benvinguts i benvingudes de nou!
It's time to put your knowledge of Catalan to the test! You've reached the first review episode of season 2.
The last few lessons were a lot about people and relationships! We learned all about personality descriptions, talking about emotions, relationships with others as well as romantic relationships.
Let us know how you did in the quiz - how many did you get out of 20? Which words did you find the hardest to remember?

We always welcome feedback and suggestions for future episodes.
Get in touch with us on our socials below or via email:
[email protected]

Fins la propera!

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Course: Currently 20% off our Catalan for Beginners Course - only for the month of Feb!
Patreon: The Lazy Linguist
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Instagram: @lazylinguistcatalan
Facebook: The Lazy Linguist Podcast
Christina offers private lessons - enquire through a DM on socials or through the link: Private lessons

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