Bright On Buddhism podcast

Revisit - Who is the Buddha?

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Bright on Buddhism - Episode 100 - Revisit - Who is the Buddha? Is the Buddha a god? Is there more than one Buddha?

Resources: Kevin Trainor: Buddhism: An Illustrated Guide; Donald Lopez: Norton Anthology of World Religions: Buddhism; Gethin: He who sees dhamma sees dhammas: dhamma in early buddhism (2004); Chan Master Sheng Yen: Orthodox Chinese Buddhism; Robert E Buswell: Encyclopedia of Buddhism: Buddha(s), Jan Nattier

Do you have a question about Buddhism that you'd like us to discuss? Let us know by finding us on email or social media!


Nick Bright: Script, Cover Art, Music, Voice of Hearer, Co-Host

Proven Paradox: Editing, mixing and mastering, social media, Voice of Hermit, Co-Host

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