Brave Women at Work podcast

The Secret To Building A Productive Workplace With Lori-Ann Duguay

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Are you ready for this statistic?

On average, we spend 90,000 hours at work throughout our lives. This represents over 1/3 of our lives.

If we spend that much time at work, I’m sure you would agree that we want to be happy while doing it. But many times, we stay in jobs because we are comfortable, we have golden handcuffs, and more. We may not factor our happiness into the equation. My guest today, Lori-Ann Duguay, believes we should. By focusing on creating happy work environments, we will be more productive as a result.

During my conversation with Lori-Ann, we discussed:

  1. How Lori’s book, The Happiness Factor: How to Create a Positive and Productive Workplace, came to be.
  2. What is the happiness factor culture check?
  3. Why 1 in 4 people are looking for another job at any given time?
  4. Positive vs. negative work environment signs and if they are overt or not always perceivable.
  5. The 10 needs of a happy worker.
  6. How much of this is the responsibility of management vs. the individual employee?
  7. What role do feedback and recognition factor in positive work environments?

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