Brave Women at Work podcast

Rising To The Top: Vera Quinn's Inspiring Journey To Leadership

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Quick personal update here. This year, I have been telling people that I am living my best life. During COVID and even beyond, I feel like I was holding back just a little bit and not really going for it. By going for it, I mean take the trip, eat the gelato, make the call, take the action. Yes, I was making an effort, but a little bit of my magic was missing, and I felt like I needed to get it back.

Well, as we are coming to mid-year in 2024, I’ve got my mojo back, baby! And I’m going for it. I’m taking trips I’ve always wanted to take. I’m taking bolder and braver action, just like I teach my coaching clients. And you know what? It feels so good!

So, it feels appropriate that today’s guest is just as motivating and inspirational. When I met Vera Quinn, my guest today, I felt like a fire was lit underneath me. I love Vera’s energy, grit, and perseverance. She is a woman who achieves her goals, but also gives back, which is inspiring to see. I’m sure you will be inspired by Vera’s personal story of her road to CEO, just like I was.

During our conversation, Vera and I chatted about:

  1. Why perseverance and drive are the backbone of who Vera is
  2. Vera’s personal and professional values and why they are the underpinning of everything she has done in her career
  3. What strategic and people-centered leadership are and how Vera has used these principles to become the CEO of Cydcor
  4. The book that Vera has been reading for 23 years in a row and why
  5. We also touched on the foundation that she runs called the MyTQuinn Foundation, which is an amazing story in and of itself

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