Bird Woman, Sacajawea podcast

Bird Woman AI Video Podcast Ep.2

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Bird Woman AI Video Podcast Ep.2

In our AI Video Podcast 2 Sacajawea is befriended by York. Her capture as an adolescent by a warring tribe in the mountains. Taken east to the Mandans. As a young girl, she is captured, traded, and abused. Sacajawea is befriended by a Hawk who foretells her new powers. Sacajawea relives her capture as an adolescent by a warring tribe in the mountains. Taken east to the Mandans. As a young girl, she is captured, traded, and abused by her French Canadian fur trader husband. Bird Woman, a magical realism story is set in the untamed early West. Bird Woman discovers her supernatural shapeshifting powers as; part Woman and part Eagle. Bird Woman tells the story of Bird Woman leading the Lewis & Clark Expedition through gruesome starvation, bitter blizzards, terrifying native countries, and heart-wrenching choices between the Native world and Captain Clark’s world.

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