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Have you ever had someone say "Wow! That's a great picture... you must have a really good camera!"⁠. It drives you crazy right?! Because every photographer knows that it's not about the gear... it's about the person using it!⁠ Well, the same thing can be said about lighting equipment.⁠ You do not need a ton of gear or the most expensive brands to create beautiful natural-looking light!⁠ You can create the same look with an inexpensive Speedlight and a $25 umbrella.⁠ It's not about the gear. ⁠It's about knowing how to use it.⁠ And that is what I'm talking about on today's episode!




Learn to create natural looking light in 7 days or less in The Missing Link: https://sandracoan.lpages.co/the-missing-link/

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