Be Well by Kelly Leveque podcast

154. Breaking Down Functional Medicine with Taylor Dukes #FabulousFriends

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Avancer de 15 secondes

Board-certified family nurse practitioner, Taylor Dukes, is on a mission to help you heal your gut, sleep better and balance your hormones. Her flexible healing protocol meets you where you're at, so you can stay consistent on the journey to look, feel, and perform at your best.

This information-rich episode lifts the lid on the chronic autoimmune issues she's diagnosing in her patients right now and the roadmaps she prescribes for recovery. Learn about all the holistic tools in Taylor's toolbox, from her preferred testing methods and go-to supplements to add to your routine, to simple dietary changes that can make a world of difference to your overall health.

You will learn about...

  • The health crisis that led Taylor to functional medicine
  • What a typical consultation with Taylor involves
  • What you should be testing for
  • Sibo testing and treating
  • How to diagnose leaky gut
  • Supplements to consider
  • Pregnancy and postpartum journey
  • Finding the best functional medicine provider


Connect with Kelly:

Be Well By Kelly is a production of Crate Media

Mentioned in this episode:

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