Agency Dealmasters podcast podcast

Perrine Farque on the ultimate secret to organisational success

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Perrine Farque, is the author of 'Inclusion', entrepreneur, keynote speaker and inclusion expert who empowers leaders to leverage diversity as their competitive advantage.

Perrine was nominated as one of the TOP 50 most influential UK Tech women. She inspires and motivates leadership teams to embrace diversity and inclusion. As well as helping attract and retain top diverse talent.

Perrine has worked with global leading companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, IBM and many others.

We discuss:

🔸Why inclusion is the ultimate secret for an organisation's success

🔸How agencies can create true inclusion within their workspace

🔸What is an inclusive leader and how can we become better ones

🔸The difference between 'Culture fit' & 'Culture add'

Enjoy the conversation.

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