Transformative Podcast podcast

Racism Against Eastern Europeans in Germany (Jannis Panagiotidis, Hans-Christian Petersen)

Retroceder 15 segundos
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Is there such a thing as racism against people from Eastern Europe–people who in their majority would be considered "white" in terms of skin color? Drawing on historical and contemporary insights, in this episode RECET scientific director Jannis Panagiotidis and his co-author Hans-Christian Petersen discuss key findings of their new book Antiosteuropäischer Rassismus in Deutschland (Anti-East European Racism in Germany).

Hans-Christian Petersen is a researcher at the Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe (BKGE) Oldenburg and a lecturer at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg. His research interests include Russian-German history, the post-migrant present and the history of German “Ostforschung”. He is the author of An den Rändern der Stadt? Soziale Räume der Armen in St. Petersburg (1850-1914) (Böhlau 2019).

Jannis Panagiotidis is the Scientific Director of the Research Center for the History of Transformation. From 2014 until 2020, he was Junior Professor for Migration and Integration of Germans from Russia at the Osnabrück University Institute for Migration Research and Intercultural Studies (IMIS). At RECET, he works on a project investigating liberal global orders and freedom of movement and guides a research project on post-Soviet immigrant communities in Germany. He wrote the books: The Unchosen Ones. Diaspora, Nation, and Migration in Israel and Germany (Indiana UP, 2019) and Postsowjetische Migration in Deutschland: Eine Einführung (Beltz/Juventa, 2021).

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