Today’s Health Tip podcast

How to WORRY less

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If you want to worry less: understand this:

Worry is not love.

Worry is doubt.

Worry is fear.

Worrying is picturing the worst-case scenario in your mind.

Worry is seeing things not work out for them in your head.

Worry is imagining them failing and feeling bad about it in advance

Worry is internally whispering to them your fears about what might happen.

If you love someone stop this destructive inner thinking.

Thoughts do not stay in your head, they vibrate out into the universe and affect every aspect of your reality, including your loved ones.

Making a picture in your head makes it real in an energetic way.

If that picture is of failure, disappointment, and things not working out that is an unloving thought.

Loving them is uplifting them in your mind.

Seeing them happy and healthy.

Seeing them get everything they desire.

Celebrating their successes.

Wishing abundance and peace upon them.

Imagining them perfectly happy & healthy and enjoying their life.

That is loving them.

If you love someone stop worrying about them.

See them happy, wish them well.


I am seeing you happy, I am wishing you well.

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