The Monk on a Motorbike podcast

Corporate Mindfulness: Does it measure up? An Interview with EY's Michael Von Der Geest

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Today my guest is Michael Von Der Geest. Michael helps to run one of the big four accountancy firms EY which used to be called Ernst and Young. He is also the CEO of EY Seren their digital platform.

He has helped to make mindfulness teaching widely available to their 250, 000 staff worldwide and sponsors their internal mindfulness support network which now has 10,000 members.

Here he talks about how mindfulness has helped him deal with the challenges of leadership, how it helps with team dynamics, and how he has used it to deal with his own anger issues, and balance a busy work and family life

Corporate mindfulness has come under fire in some meditative circles. Sometimes referred to as McMindfulnness it is seen as diluted and franchised. I was keen to hear how it shapes up against these claims by someone who is at the top of the corporate ladder and is a keen meditator. I found what he said to say very encouraging: it makes him less reactive and angry, enhances team harmony and integrity and increased the company’s sense of engagement with corporate responsibility

This was recorded in the Summer of 2019 pre-coronavirus, whilst Extinction Rebellion were making headlines

.If you have any questions or comments please feel free to get in touch. My email is on my website

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Many thanks

Danny Hill  (the Monk on a Motorbike)

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