The Family Goals Podcast podcast

Practical Ways to Rest as a Family Part 2 - Internal Rest

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We're talking about rest today. This is part two of a simple two -part series. We talked about physical rest last week, the external rest. How can you cultivate some rhythms or practices to create space to rest as an individual, a couple, family, et cetera. So definitely check out that episode. It's gonna be some food for thought and hopefully encourage you and challenge you to create your own forms of physical rest. We gotta fight for rest. Today, though, we're gonna slip into the internal. What are the things that will help create internal rest or peace or calm or stability? And what are the things that actually take away that internal rest and peace? Because I think that's the biggest part of it all is what we all want. So let's dive into how to have more internal rest. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Recap of Part 1 02:13 The Connection Between External and Internal Rest 08:18 Cultivating Internal Rest: Tips and Strategies 19:35 Defining Enough: Finding Contentment and Peace 29:20 Knowing Your Triggers: Protecting Your Internal Rest 36:23 The Impact of Internal Rest on Relationships and Well-being 39:20 Gratitude and Conclusion

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