Tales of the Night Sky podcast

S3 E4 The Labyrinth: The Constellation of Corona Borealis

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

This epic and madcap episode concludes Ariadne’s story. It takes us into the heart of the labyrinth and up into the heavens with the constellation of the Northen Crown - Corona Borealis.

Written and directed by Bibi Jacob.
Tom Morton as Silenus,
Charlotte Donnelly as Psalakantha,
Nigel Pilkington as Dionysus.
Bibi Jacob as Ariadne,
Rufo Quintavalle as Minos,
Ciaran Cresswell as Theseus.
Original violin loops by Chloe Dunn
Sound and production by Geoff Chong.

Otros episodios de "Tales of the Night Sky"