Stories by the Fire podcast

Episode 21- Heartbeat (Leaves and Shadows Story Arc Part 19 of 26)

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

Erin’s mind reels as she is confronted with her baby’s congenital condition. Raw terror grows within Erin as her senses are viscerally bombarded with each beat of her unborn daughter’s unusual heart. Yet, as her fear grows, so does her determination. What will she do next in this twisted world of Leaves and Shadows?

Welcome to Stories by the Fire!

For more information on Stories by the Fire and other stories by Christopher Chancy, please check out the links below.

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Theatre of Heels Podcast Here:

The Sky’s Embrace Here:

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This story was written, illustrated, narrated, produced, and edited by Christopher Chancy.

Musical Score:

Mirror Mirror by Audio Hertz

If you like to read the entire book Leaves and Shadows, you can purchase it HERE!

Thank you for stopping by. See you next time by the fire.

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