Snax in the City podcast

Recap with Snax

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos


Welcome back to another episode of Snax in the City and on a new day of the week!

We have a fresh check in and Top 3 for you. We're talking about all of the lady wins and all of the justice that's been served lately, Robert De Niro being a daddy, and Free Britney 2.0?! We can't wait to get into all of the fun we've been having and all of the fun that's yet to come! We also are officially kicking off this year's summer hours ☀️😎

Stay tuned for more details but for now just know new episodes will be on the shorter side and we'll be posting on Wednesdays now! We're hoping to bring you a bunch of fun collaborations, more video content, and we're in the midst of a brand refresh! & there so many fun things coming with that! Tune into the episode now!

Don't forget to follow us on Instagram: @_snaxinthecity Twitter: @snax_inthecity Tik Tok: @_snaxinthecity and our personal handles on all platforms are @maddygriseto and @brianna_irene (except TikTok where Maddy is now angelpuppies19). You can also subscribe to our YouTube, just search Snax in the City!

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