REAL GONE podcast

S01E04 REAL GONE – "The Artistic Colonization of SoHo"

Retroceder 15 segundos
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In this episode, we veer away from discussing musicians almost entirely and focus on the establishment of the area south of Houston Street known as SoHo as the centre of habitation for other artists living in the City in the early 1970s. We discuss how the physical features of the abandoned industrial loft buildings made it attractive for artists to live and work in this Downtown neighbourhood, and how the influx of galleries (both commercial and co-operative) shifted the centre of the New York Artworld from Midtown to SoHo. The consolidation of artists in the area helped create a new politicised community that managed to spearhead opposition to the Lower Manhattan Expressway project, saving a large section of Downtown Manhattan from destruction and economic abandonment, in doing so preserving the area’s architecture and cultural importance for decades to come.


Aaron Shkuda  - “The Lofts of SoHo: Gentrification, Art, and Industry in New York, 1950-1980” (2016)

Sharon Zukin – “Loft Living: Culture and Capital in Urban Change” (1989)

Jane Jacobs – “The Death & Life of Great American Cities” (1961)


Meredith Monk – “Education of the Girlchild: The Tale” / “Fear & Loathing in Gotham: Gotham Lullaby” (Dolmen Music - 1981)


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