Patent Pending: The Future Of Disc Golf podcast

Disc Golf Content Creation With Jonathan Fastborg from Latitude 64

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In this episode Jesse interviews Jonathan Fastborg, Disc golf vlog guru at Latitude 64. As a fellow content creator Jesse has built a great relationship with Jonathan over the past few years and decided a content creation master class was in order. This episode is full of amazing insights, tons of laughs, and an inspiring story about how someone with no disc golf background forged their way into a full-time career in the sport. You can learn more about Jonathan by watching his vlogs at ⁠ If you want to help support the show by purchasing one of the official Patent Pending T-Shirt you can follow the link below to get yours today! ⁠ ⁠ This episode is sponsored by Trash Panda Disc Golf! ⁠⁠ 👏 Content like this is made possible by our ⁠⁠ Community. Please consider joining to support our mission of growing disc golf through high-quality content! 📬 Submit an idea or question: [email protected] ⭐️ Listen and leave a review on your favorite app 🍎 Apple Podcast ❇️ Spotify ⚓️ ⁠Instagram ⁠ ⁠Trash Panda ⁠ Copyright ©2012-2021. All rights reserved. JomezPro™, FollowFlight™, SloMez™, NoMez™, BigSexy Commentary™, BigBarri Commentary™, BigSexyBarri Commentary™ are all protected trademarks of Jomez Productions, LLC. #jomezpro #discgolf Why are you still reading this? Get out and play some Disc Golf!

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