Legacy Code Rocks podcast

Mending Code with AI with Ray Myers

Retroceder 15 segundos
Avanzar 15 segundos

AI proves to be great at writing new code, but what are its capabilities when it comes to mending the old one?

Today we talk with Ray Myers, a legacy code expert and sceptical enthusiast for AI. With 16 years of software engineering experience, he focuses on collective lessons learned to improve our existing systems and organizations. He tells us where is the place of AI in legacy code mending, whether AI can provide help when editing existing code, how to train AI with up-to-date coding skills, how to utilize AI when writing tests, and much more. 

When you finish listening to the episode, make sure to connect with Ray on LinkedIn, visit his website at https://mender.ai, his YouTube channel Craft vs. Cruft, and take a listen to Empathy in Tech - a new podcast cohosted by Ray and Legacy Code Rocks former cohost, Andrea Goulet!

Mentioned in this episode:

Ray on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/cadrlife/ 

Craft vs. Cruft at https://www.youtube.com/@craftvscruft8060 

Mender website at https://mender.ai 

Nopilot.dev at https://nopilot.dev 

Empathy in Tech at https://empathyintech.com 

Untangler at https://github.com/craftvscruft/untangler 


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