Healthcare Policy Pop podcast

QALY Ban Bill Progresses

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Michael Riotto, a Patient Advocate and member of Patients Rising, tells us how the exciting developments with the QALY ban bill could affect him and his health if it moves forward. Riotto discusses how the QALY negatively affects him and others in similar situations and what it would mean if it were banned.

Patients Rising has been pushing for a QALY ban for a long time and the possibility of this going to the House floor is a big step in the right direction. Patients Rising is also submitting a letter to Congress signed by patients from all 50 states advocating for the passage of this bill.

Senate Committee on Rules Announcement: Announcement for H.R. 485 – Protecting Health Care for All Patients Act of 2023

Patients Rising Now Webpage: More Than 100 Patient Advocacy Organizations In Support H.R. 485 – The Protecting Healthcare for All Patients Act


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